Thursday, April 25, 2013


Yesterday was the first day I managed to run in shorts - only a month behind. By the sounds of things, tomorrow will be +20, so if I'm really, really lucky I will be able to run in short sleeves. We take summer for granted. The simplicity of putting on a pair of shoes to go run seems lost after 6 months of snow. I can't wait for some summer running. I'm starting the season with a nice, flat 10k just down the road at Andrew. It's a fundraiser for their school and they finish with a great BBQ - a neat way to counteract the 1000cal burn.

Yesterday I also went for a run with a colleague. Is so nice to run with someone. Tonight I headed to the gym and was the only one there. It was also the first time I have ever walked to the gym without a toque. It kind of feels like summer.

The plans for the weekend are some outdoor running and a trip to Servus Place on the weekend.

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