Sunday, April 7, 2013

Winter Wonderland

Snow again. And again. And again. Last year, this time, I was running in shorts. I guess I could now as long as I buy shorts big enough to fit over my snowsuit. I have always found outdoor running to be much more enjoyable than indoor running; however, when road and sidewalk conditions are dangerous or frustrating I head indoors.

I had planned on running on the track at Servus Place, but when I awoke in St Albert, I decide that it was best to head home and figure out a workout when I got there. Day off? No day off? The gym in Smoky Lake isn't open on Sunday so my options were limited to the basement.

I started with a 1k run on the treadmill, then switched to Fartlek training. Get your Wikipedia fingers ready - "Fartlek" means "speed play" in Swedish. My version is intervals; however, "Fartlek" sounds much more exotic than "intervals." I ran/walked 8k and tried to switch up running speeds and walking speeds. It was a long workout but I enjoyed it and looked forward to the walking breaks.

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