Saturday, April 6, 2013

Servus Again?

Back at Servus Place again.  Today was a really good run day, because I haven't run since Wednesday.  After 3 years of running, I still struggle with guilt if I take a day or two off; yet when I do workout after some time off, it's always a really good go.  Today was 5k on the treadmill in 28:32; which for me, is a really good time.  I try to run at 6 min/km, so whenever I can do better than that I'm really happy.  I'm also amazed at how hard you have to work to increase your pace just the slightest.

After a crack at the treadmill, I went to the track for a few stretch laps and it was crazy.  There were several teams that were training, and from what I could tell, their training consisted of wandering across the track without looking and/or stopping in the middle of the track to adjust water bottles.  Apparently, checking the level of water in your bottle is something that has to be done every 30 seconds or so, and a full stop in the middle of the track is the most efficient method of choice.

Tomorrow will be a longer run on the track, then we are heading back to the hills of Smoky Lake.

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