Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday Funday

Another day at Servus Place. There were fewer buckets on the track today, so that could mean two things - a) most of the snow melted off the roof yesterday or b) it's colder today so the buckets will come out later.

I did a combination of stretches and weights with my sister. Working out with her is a bit like playing street hockey with Wayne Gretzky in his day. I'm a better spectator. I tried for a bit, then did a few laps and some free weight stuff.

We hit the swimming pool and hot tub ; where we met Donna and Reese. I'm sure the hot tub could turn sugar into caramel today. I found it brutally hot but really refreshing. Everybody had a great time and I'm hoping to buy some new runners this afternoon. These ones feel like I have construction paper taped to my feet.

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