Friday, March 29, 2013

The Very First Post

As you can tell from the clever title, things in this cyber world will be fairly simple. My luck with journaling is akin to the Oilers winning on the road ... or at home for that matter, so if you are a betting person, rather than betting on the witty quality of my posts, you might actually make some money betting on the length of time this lasts.

I wanted to keep a record of fitness activities that I could access; as well as friends, family, and likely a whole bunch of spam monitoring programs. This seems simple enough that I can monitor and turf unwanted comments. Feel free to add helpful or unhelpful comments as long as they are interesting and filled with humour and wit. I won't dock marks for American spelling.

Along with fitness thoughts, I am hoping to include tidbits regarding food, music (?), TV and anything else that crosses my mind when I am thinking about or participating in fitness related activities.

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