Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday Morning

I got to the gym this morning at 11:30am. I couldn't even find a mosquito on the way who wanted to come along ... Smoky Lake on a Saturday morning is about as busy as the Edmonton Oiler offices - nothing happening.  I ran a fairly quick 5k at different speeds because I plan on taking a few days off of running.  I'm not sure if "off of running" will get me full marks in the mechanics/grammar rubric, but you get the point.

After a run, I worked on arms and chest then finished with these lunge/arm curl things that my sister taught me.  My back is still a bit tender from my sofa accident a while back, so exercises like this really seem to help.  I just never seem to find the time or energy to actually do them.

I think tomorrow will be a bike ride or a run if the weather cooperates.  It is pretty rainy today, so it also looks like some golf is out of the question.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Perfect Weather

I went for a 10k at 7:30 this morning and when I finished it was +19 outside. Absolutely perfect.

There isn't much more to add to this post, other than to remind myself why I don't blog - the novelty wears off really quickly. My lack of blogging doesn't mean I haven't been exercising; it's been the usual - gym, spin, treadmill etc. I haven't done much outside because of the weather, but things are looking good. It's supposed to be +28 tomorrow.